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Select Archeion videos are embedded on this page. To view all Archeion training videos access the full Archeion playlist on YouTube. Reach out to the Archeion Coordinator if you need additional Archeion training support or go directly to Archeion to explore archival descriptions from Ontario's archives institutions.

Help people find your archives with Archeion

This video introduces the Archeion (external link) service and explains how archivists in Ontario can use it to share information about their archives.

Stepping Into Archeion 

A 2023 Archives Awareness Week Introduction to Archeion for Researchers. Watch this short introduction video about searching in Archeion.

Online training from other providers:

This recording is from the AAO's PDC February 23, 2024 workshop with colleagues from Artefactual Systems. Artefactual Systems provide hosting support for Archeion. In the recording, Artefactual Systems staff provide an introduction to Access to Memory with a general overview of AtoM and its basic functionality and features. The session also covers the various entity types that make-up AtoM’s architecture, how to add, edit, and delete content manually, plus browsing and searching tips.

Aimed at both end users and archivists using AtoM, these are helpful short videos covering searching an AtoM site, creating AtoM descriptions, and uploading digital objects. Provided by the Council of Nova Scotia Archives.

Training videos about AtoM (Access to Memory) created by the Joint US-Canada AtoM Users Group. This channel features short videos for new AtoM users. In the Playlists section they link to other training videos about AtoM as well.

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