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Municipal Archives Interest Group (MAIG)

Save the Date!

The 2025 Annual General Meeting of the Municipal Archives Interest Group will be held virtually on Thursday, May 1, 2025 at 1 p.m. All are welcome to attend! Please RSVP to Gina Elias by email at We are currently accepting nominations for Secretary-Treasurer for the 2025-2027 term.

Please direct inquiries and nominations to Amber Mandich at


Formed in 1994, the Municipal Archives Interest Group (MAIG) represents municipal archivists, institutions and individuals interested in the preservation and use of municipal and other community based records in Ontario. Members of the AAO who work for municipal archives automatically gain access to this interest group, allowing for resource sharing, roundtable discussions and access to the MAIGazine, a yearly publication that provides members with provincial updates. Throughout the year MAIG hosts two meetings, an annual Open House at a members’ archive, and an Annual General Meeting, which takes place at the AAO’s yearly conference.

We are always happy to hear from our colleagues, so if you have any news, suggestions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact us!


Chair: Amber Mandich (Term: 2024-2026)
Vice-Chair: Jennifer Georgiou (Term: 2024-2026)
Past-Chair: Megan Lockhart (Term: 2024-2025)
Secretary/Treasurer: Gina Elias (Term: 2023-2025)

MAIG Municipal Archives Interest Group

MAIG Listserv

Stay connected with MAIG by joining out Listserv!

The maig-listserv is a group forum available to Municipal Archive members of the Archives Association of Ontario (AAO) and is intended to promote greater collaboration and information sharing between Ontario Municipal Archives and Archivists. In posting to this forum, please keep in mind the AAO’s Code of Conduct and be prepared to participate in constructive dialogue with your colleagues.

To subscribe to this group, send an email to 

Once submitted, you will receive an email from MAIG, asking you to "Join this Group". Select this option and re-enter your email address to subscribe. Once approved, you will automatically be subscribed to the Listserv - there is no need to sign in or create a Google Account.

To post to this group, send an email to:

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

For more information about the group, or to change your personal settings, please visit:!forum/maig-listserv


The MAIGazine is an annual newsletter for those interested in Ontario’s municipal archives and municipal records. It is published and distributed by the Municipal Archives Interest Group (MAIG) as a membership benefit of the AAO. Please click below to view the current and past issues.

MAIGazine Issues


MAIGazine No. 20 2024 
MAIGazine No. 192023 
MAIGazine No. 18  2022
MAIGazine No. 17  2021
 MAIGazine No. 16  2020 
 MAIGazine No. 15  2019 

 MAIGazine No. 14


 MAIGazine No. 13


 MAIGazine No. 12


 MAIGazine No.11 


 MAIGazine No. 10


 MAIGazine No. 9 


MAIGazine No. 8


 MAIGazine No. 7 


MAIGazine No. 6


MAIGazine No. 5


MAIGazine No. 4


MAIGazine No. 3


MAIGazine No. 2


MAIGazine No. 1


MAIGazine A newsletter of the AAO's Municipal Archives Interest Group

705-1 Eglinton Ave. East

Toronto ON

M4P 3A1

(647) 343-3334

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