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To submit your article for publication to Off the Record, please email the editor at

Submitting Writing

Off the Record accepts original submissions of approximately one thousand to two thousand words. News items or announcements with shorter word lengths are also welcome, as are longer pieces in consultation with the editor. Submissions that have been or will be published elsewhere, including online, will not be accepted with the exception of short news items or announcements. 

All submissions, including letters to the editor, must be accompanied by the author's name, email address, and phone number. Please do not forget to include a title for your submission.

The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity and length. Authors will be contacted for major rewrites or changes.

Submitting Images

Images submitted for the newsletter cover, to accompany articles, or for other uses may be edited or altered at the discretion of the editor. Please ensure that all images are credited properly and that you have the appropriate rights to publish the image. 

Submission Formats


Please submit writing as a Microsoft Word document. For graphics and custom layouts, the preferred file format is TIFF or JPEG. 

Images should be at least three inches or nine hundred pixels wide and cover images should be at least six inches or 1,800 pixels wide. The highest possible resolution is always preferred.

Please do not insert images in a submitted article: send them separately. Unless otherwise specified, images will be placed in the body of the text at the discretion of the editor. Other specific layouts should be directed to the editor upon submission.

In general, submit a hard copy if special software is needed to open the file.

Hard Copy

Hard copy submissions are not accepted except under special circumstances. Please contact the editor if you wish to submit hard copies of photographs or text. 


Authors retain copyright of all materials published in Off the Record. Authors are responsible for ensuring that they have the appropriate rights to submit, publish, and freely disseminate all materials published in Off the Record, including any quotations or accompanying photographs. 


Off the Record welcomes advertisers for products or services related to the interests and needs of the AAO membership. The rates are: 

    • Full page (vertical, 6.5 x 9 inches): $175
    • Half page (horizontal, 6.5 x 4.5" or vertical, 3.25 x 9"): $100
    • Quarter page (3.25 x 4.5" vertical or horizontal): $75
    • Package deal: Buy advertising for four issues in advance and get the fourth issue free. 

Please email the editor at if you are interested in advertising with us! 

705-1 Eglinton Ave. East

Toronto ON

M4P 3A1

(647) 343-3334

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