We’re very excited to announce that this year’s MAIG Open House will be hosted by the Bruce County Archives at the Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre! Please join us and our gracious host, Deb Sturdevant, on Friday, October 20th in Southampton, Ontario, as we explore museum exhibits, the collections and facilities of the archives, the Historic Saugeen Métis Interpretive Learning Centre (HSMC), and Aunt Annie’s Cottage. As always, a delicious lunch will also be provided by local caterers. The annual Open House Meeting is a great opportunity to connect and network with your municipal archive colleagues from across the province.
Visitors to the HSMC learn about the historic Métis community who lived, fished, hunted, trapped, and harvested the lands and waters of the Bruce Peninsula, the Lake Huron proper shoreline and its watersheds. Artifacts on display include Métis clothing, tools, bead work, wampum and more. Aunt Annie's Cottage was the home of Angelique “Aunt Annie” Longe, a Métis woman born on the banks of the Saugeen River in 1844. The home is one of the oldest in Southampton.
Please note: Some locations will be accessed by foot, so please wear good walking shoes, and be prepared for rain.
Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 27th to: Gina Dewaele, MAIG Secretary-Treasurer: gdewaele@elgin.ca or call 519-631-1460 ext. 154. Please make note of any dietary restrictions or allergies with your RSVP.
When: Friday October 20th, 2023 - 10:00 am – 3:45 pm
Where: Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre (33 Victoria St N, Southampton, ON)
10:00am-12:00pm • Welcome and Tour of the Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre, including the Archives.
12:00pm-1:00pm • Lunch and Conversation
1:00pm-2:15pm • Tour of the Historic Saugeen Metis Centre and Aunt Annie’s Cottage
2:30pm-3:45pm • MAIG Meeting
I look forward to seeing everyone in Bruce County in October
Warm Regards,
Megan Lockhart, MAIG Chair