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Archives Awareness Week 2016

The Archives Association of Ontario has designated the first week in April as Archives Awareness Week. This year it will be April 4th to 10thThis is an excellent opportunity to celebrate your archives, your archival records and your organizational achievements. To promote your archives to researchers, the media, local politicians or the general public plan a special event during this week.  

Tweeting about events? Use the #2016AAW hashtag!


Event: Official Opening of the Community Archives of Belleville and Hastings County
When: Thursday, April 7, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Location: John M. Parrott Art Gallery, Belleville Public Library, 254 Pinnacle Street, Belleville

Celebrate the opening of Ontario's newest archival facility. All week there will be tours behind the scenes of the new archives. Keep an eye on for details of how to sign up for a tour.

Event: Archives of Ontario Customer Appreciation Week
When: Monday, April 4 to Saturday, April 9
Location: First Floor, Archives of Ontario, 134 Ian Macdonald Blvd., Toronto

Our week-long customer appreciation event, where we will be showing our gratitude to Archives of Ontario researchers with free giveaways at our Reception Desk.

Event: Archives of Ontario Tour
When: Wednesday, April 6, 1:00 - 1:45 p.m.
Location: Meet in George Spragge Classroom, Archives of Ontario, 134 Ian Macdonald Blvd., Toronto

Explore one of the most cutting-edge archival facilities in Canada.

Event: Archives of Ontario Out of the Box! Speakers Event
When: Wednesday, April 6, 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Location: George Spragge Classroom, Archives of Ontario, 134 Ian Macdonald Blvd., Toronto
Three speakers will talk about how they are using the Archives’ collections, Dr. Jay Young, Outreach Officer, Archives of Ontario, Jennifer Harrington, Curator and Wendy Rowney, Assistant General Manager and Steve Paikin, Host of TV Ontario’s popular The Agenda.

Event: Introduction to Family History
When: April 7, 2016 at 7:00 pm

Event: Celebrate Archives, History and Genealogy
When: April 10, 2016 at 1:00 to 4:00 pm
Location: Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre, 33 Victoria St. North, Southampton

Learn about genealogy, researching family history and have a guided tour behind the scenes at BCM&CC.

Event: Free Admission and Tour at Grey Roots Museum and Archives
When: April 4 - 8, 2016
Location: Grey Roots Museum & Archives, 102599 Grey Rd. 18 RR4 Owen Sound

Grey Roots is offering free admission to the Reading Room for researchers (although donations gratefully received - thank you for your support). A behind-the-scenes tour will leave the Reading Room at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6. This is your chance to see treasures from our collection and new acquisitions laid out as part of the tour.

Event: Grimsby Historical Society Archives Open House
When: April 6, 2016, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Carnegie Building, 25 Adelaide St., Grimsby

The archives will be highlighting the Woolverton family at both open houses. The Grimsby Public Library will also be hosting a display in the lobby of the archives from April 4th to 8th.

Event: Archives Open House at Lakehead University Library
When: Tuesday, April 5, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Location: 5th floor, Chancellor Paterson Library, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay

Students, faculty, and community members are invited to drop in for a peek at some of the highlights of the collections, to meet the new archivist, and learn about upcoming developments.

Event: Archives Awareness Week at Middlesex Centre Archives
When: April 2nd, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm; April 7th, 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm; April 8th, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location: 2652 Gideon Drive, Delaware

Visit us during our extended hours this week. See our website for regular open hours.

Event: Free Admission and Tour at Grey Roots Museum and Archives
When: April 9, 2016 at 2:00 pm
Location: James Anderson Gallery, Stratford-Perth Archives, 4273 Line 34 (Hwy 8 West of Stratford)

To mark Vimy Ridge Day and Archives Week in Ontario, Frank Reid from Historic Canada’s Memory Project will give a presentation about the importance of remembering and documenting our veterans. Frank Reid is a veteran, author and playwright who spent eight years in the Canadian Army.

Event: Land Records Workshop
When: April 4, 2016, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: Trent Valley Archives, 367 Carnegie Ave., Peterborough

Discover what happened to lands in your family and possibly previously unknown facts about where other family members resided. Registration limited.

Event: Photos in Your Attic
When: April 4, 2016, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location: Trent Valley Archives, 367 Carnegie Ave., Peterborough

Have your photos or postcards viewed by experts who can help you identify the era, location and find ways to preserve your valuable artifacts. First come first serve, no reservation necessary.

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Toronto ON

M4P 3A1

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